In Their Own Words

"Luntz remains one of the greatest behavioral economists ever."
MarketWatch, The Wall Street Journal

"I have to tell you that your presentation was not only informative but I about busted a gut laughing at your humor. Well done!!! "
Roger Pepperl, Marketing Director, Stemilt Growers Inc

"Finally, just a personal comment - people desperately want and need straight, honest talk, and when mixed with humor, it’s a powerful combination. That’s what I enjoy most about Frank’s style."
Richard B. Ponder, Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.

"...clever, insightful, amusing, direct, unsettling and utterly provocative.... You sure kept people thinking and awake. I know that kind of energy and thoughtfulness takes a lot of preparation and stamina (you think you’d be thinner)."
Jeff Tarbert, American Public Power Association

"The maestro of messaging...Luntz has forever redefined the way public policy issues will be framed."
Public Affairs Council

"If words are a weapon, Frank Luntz is a Samurai."

"Luntz is the best in the business."

"Luntz writes in clear language that's free of jargon and marketing lingo."
Smart Money

“The man is a psychology genius.” Newsweek Magazine, 8/15/2009

“Frank Luntz, a Republican, [has] become legendary for [his] way of spinning language to partisan advantage: ‘death tax’ instead of ‘estate tax.’”
The New York Times

“Words are enormously important to me. I love language, the sheer pleasure of words in the right order. Frank Luntz is brilliant about words.”
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani

“Language is like music. Unfortunately, the Republicans have a Paul McCartney in the person of Frank Luntz. Somehow, we Democrats got stuck with Yoko Ono.”
Al Franken

“Strategist Frank Luntz has played the English language like Itzhak Perlman plays his Strad.”
Dr. Ernest Partridge, Author, Conscience of a Progressive

"The film mixes the styles of a documentary, comedy and musical to throw light on the life of a very private lady. There is a great episode featuring Republican pollster and consultant Frank Luntz giving Ratray advice on how to approach the love of his life. It's part Borat, part Michael Moore, highly entertaining and distinctly unsettling.”
Philip Sherwell, Daily Telegraph

“These are the world’s best professionals.”
The Guardian (London)

“Best wordsmith in America. There really is no one like him.”
Governor Edward G. Rendell

"A very select few get to use people like Frank Luntz, who combine audience feedback, speechwriting, and the extra element – a research technique."
The New Yorker

"The Republicans, lead by consultant Frank Luntz, were genusis at shaping the environmental debate."
National Public Radio

“Frank Luntz’ ability to divine the public mood appears to have magical elements.”
Irish Times

“ I am increasingly obsessed by the work of that sleek transatlantic focus groupie Frank Luntz. Frank’s regular appearances on newsnight probably make him our second-most influential American political pundit.”
The Independent (London)

“It would be hard to name a prominent GOP political operative or member of Congress of the last 20 years who has not been advised by Luntz. He has the ear of politicians and operatives alike. Master of the political message, Luntz’s fascination with the use of language has often helped redefine a political debate.”
The Daily Telegraph

“His methodology has always been outstanding. He thinks outside the Washington box and brings a fresh, new perspective to issues.”
Andy Sieg, Vice President, Citigroup

“Frank Luntz, the hot political consultant and wordsmith who wrote the lyrics for the 1994 Republican revolution.”
The New York Times

“Probably the most influential Republican political consultant.”
The Financial Times

“One of America’s 50 most promising leaders under 40.”
Time Magazine

“Luntz’s political savvy and his connections have impressed the corporate world, too. We wanted someone who understood the language of competition and deregulation.”
Edelmen Worldwide

“Luntz has a special understanding of the writhing, petulant beast that is the American public... He sees the way the beast responds to political messages.”
The Weekly Standard

“Luntz seems to have emerged as the most sought after survey researcher, both because of the accuracy of his surveys and the intensity of his personal commitment.”
The Washington Insider

“Most importantly, he has a lot of satisfied customers.”
National Association of Manufacturers

“Frank Luntz, whose client list has included Newt Gingrich and Rudy Guiliani, flew to Israel to coach Ehud Olmert for the prime minister’s speech before a joint meeting of Congress. The lessons appeared to pay off—Olmert’s 30-minute address drew 16 standing ovations. He told Jewish leaders at a meeting later that Luntz deserved credit."
Newsweek Magazine

“The nation’s leading provider of market research.”
Seattle Times

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